
Top 5 reasons why your Air Conditioner isn’t cooling

Many things can go wrong in your air conditioning devices, which demand ac repair, but there are some problems that are very common. It is important for you to understand the common issues related with air conditioning systems. By knowing common air conditioning problems, you can easily troubleshoot and solve them, and save yourself from expensive air conditioner repair bills.

Common AC Problems

Air conditioning devices display a great example of technological advancements. Such long history means the AC components are becoming more and more reliable, but from time things can go wrong. Let’s see common air conditioning problems and a few easy ac troubleshooting methods.

Sensor issues

The ON and OFF cycles of air conditioners are based on sensors. Thus, if sensors create issue, they do not let air conditioners to work properly. You might come across frequent on and off cycles. This frequent ON and OFF is called short cycling. The short cycling does not allow air conditioner to cool the room.

Drainage Problems

Drainage Problems arise in air conditioning devices when condensation pump breaks. This can cause serious issues in your air conditioners. Also, if you use your AC with broken condensation pump, it can hike your electricity bill.

Improper Cleaning

Can you breathe having something on your face? Same case is with air conditioning units. If you do not keep your air conditioning unit clean, it will not provide proper cooling. Dust and dirt will also make your AC less energy efficient. In order to get rid of this problem, clean and change air filters frequently.

Wrong Sized Air Conditioner

You cannot get desired cooling by installing a small air conditioner in a big room. Similarly, big AC in small room will create uncomfortable temperature. So, pay attention over size while purchasing air conditioner

Refrigerant Leakage

Refrigerant leakage is the common issue in air conditioners. Small leaks around the valves are usually the cause and locating the exact point of the leak is very difficult.

Keep one thing in your mind that if the temperature is increasing and your blood pressure is too, then smart course of action is to hire ac service technician.

Categories:   Home & Garden
